Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Memories

One of the best ways to build unity and memories with your family is to plan events, activities and traditions to experience together. I remember growing up, some of my fondest memories we're around traditions and activities that we would do. I loved the things my parents "created" when I was growing up, and hold to many of those things with my family today. With the holidays now here, what are some things that you have done or are planning to do as a family to "create memories"? It can be as simple as holiday traditions, to a night out, to a special trip or event. Share your thoughts so others can glean ideas! Would also be great to give ideas around how you incorporate the Lord into your holidays too!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Money and marriage

Divorced couples have revealed that money is one of the main reasons for their breakups. It's not just a lack of money, because many affluent couples have struggles and tension about money. Arguments about money-not sex or household chores-are what couples between the ages of 18 and 40 fight over the most, according to a recent survey. In fact, money is such a troublesome issue that 82 percent of survey respondents say they have hidden shopping bags and various purchases from their spouse. So much for marital oneness and unity, huh? If God owns it all-why is money such an issue of strife?
In a marriage, it's not a matter of who's right, but submitting to one another in love.
After the new year the fusion class will be exploring ways to handle money in marriage. What are some things that you do as a couple to have a healthy perspective on money and make sure it's not a source of strife?
