Monday, December 22, 2008

Give thanks...

It's natural during this time of year to be reflective and remember God's blessings. Of course, its a continual reminder as we celebrate Christmas of the thing we as believers are most thankful for, Jesus. What are you most thankful for during this time of year? Let's take time to "give thanks"...


Friday, December 19, 2008

"Snow Day!"

I was in conversation with a friends daughter a few months back about winter coming. I inquired about their likes and dislikes about winter and was eagerly anticipating an empathetic "yes" to the question "don't you love school snow days?" To my amazement as I asked the question, there was the exact opposite response, an emphatic, "NO!". I was curious and asked "Why not?" Their response, "because when we stay home from school on snow days, my mom makes us do housework!". I laughed. Well its our first snow day of the year, are you prepared? What do you do with your kids on a day when they stay home? Do you get creative and plan or just go with the flow? How do you keep them entertained or themselves entertained?


Thursday, December 11, 2008

"God with us"

Immanuel, "God with us". One of the greatest statements made surrounding Jesus' birth. It means that we can experience God right here and now. Through the birth of Jesus we have access and connection to God. Its one of the great benefits of the Christmas story. St. Augustine once said: "What, then, is the God I worship? ... You are the most hidden from us and yet the most present among us, the most beautiful and yet the most strong, ever enduring; and yet we cannot comprehend you." When Mary gave birth, God became very present-but in so many ways He is still hidden from us.

Romans 11:33 "Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!"
Ever wondered why God wanted to live among and within us when we can’t fully comprehend him? If you have ever been to a foreign country you know the sense of temporary loneliness and frustration if they speak a different language, living among people you can't fully understand. But you endured because you knew eventually you would be understood.

1 Corinthians 13:12 promises a day when we will no longer see through imperfect eyes: "Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything".

The beautiful thing about this, is the next time we see Jesus it will be different-we'll recognize him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To see Jesus the 2nd time will be heavens greatest joy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

What's most important?

As Christians, it doesn't take long at this time of year to hear the phrase..."remember the reason for the season". It's a phrase that seems to be used quite often in Christan circles during the holidays, and whether you think its a "corny" phrase or has all the meaning in the world, one thing is true...the statement is true! Whether we like it or not, its so crucial to remember why we celebrate. As sort of a follow up to last weeks question on holiday traditions, let me ask, what is it that you do as a family or couple to keep Jesus center during this time of year? Do you have any "spiritual traditions" you adhere to, to make sure your family remembers the reason for the season? Share your would be great for others to pick up some new ideas from you!
