Monday, February 2, 2009

List, lists, lists...

I love making lists. Right now, there are about four in various states of completeness littered across my desk and on my computer. It's strangely satisfying to see items listed so neatly on a sheet of paper. Oftentimes, those tidy bullet points help me get my thoughts in order in a way few other things could. I know, its sad, isn't it?

Have you ever made a to do list around your marriage and family? Think about it. We make grocery lists, to do lists, errands lists, etc. but how often do we sit down and make lists to improve or set goals for our family and marriage? Consider making some lists around certain goals: places you want to go as a couple/family; the top 5 things you want to instill in your kids; a list of positive habits you want to begin to incorporate in your marriage/family; and more!

Many of you have seen the movie "The bucket list". Its an interesting prospect. Take time this week to think about the kind of "to do" list(s) you would want to develop with your spouse and or family...and then sit down and put it together! And then, don't forget to work on checking them off!


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