Monday, March 23, 2009

I never have enough time!

How many times have we wished for just a little more time? More hours in the day, more days in the week, more weeks in the year, and…you get the idea. Could it be that we actually have plenty of time? We just don't know how to spend it wisely.
Time, like money, is what we make of it. Of course spending time wisely is easier said than done.

I'm increasingly convinced, however, that our perceived shortage of time may be largely of our own making. We talk incessantly about our lack of free time.
The truth is, we're rich in time. What we sometimes lack is the backbone to take responsibility for how we choose to spend it. Time is something you manage, not something that manages you. Learn to think through each time commitment in its entirety. Here are a coupel of ideas to get a handle on your time...

Schedule in reverse
Put the real priorities on the calendar first—family picnic or date night. Then write in everything else.

Drop one thing from your schedule
You'll probably let someone down, but look who benefits. Spending two less days a month as a lunch monitor at your son's school frees you up for a lunch date with your spouse.

Be, rather than do Try it for an evening. Think. Pray. Relax in a lawn chair.

Get your spouse's perspective
Ask your mate to comment on how you're using your time and what seems to be robbing you of time.

Be honest about your limitations
Do you find yourself saying "yes" to a project in the hopes that a weekend will suddenly hold the ten extra hours you'd need to complete it? You can't manufacture time.

Make a list of your commitments Post the list next to the phone or your calendar. A visual reminder of all that you're involved with will make you think twice before tacking on something else.


1 comment:

Laura K. said...

Wow! What a "timely" message! I'm in the thick of trying to manage my time right now. Making decisions of what to be involved in, how to best spend my time and serve my family, but also wanting to be involved in community, friendships, and contribute to our household by working. Always so much on our plates, and it's definitely time to prioritize! Thanks for this!