Monday, March 30, 2009

Take initiative!

It's become standard on job evaluations: "So-and-so takes initiative." Our culture values people who demonstrate a willingness to take on a task without outside prodding; it seems to indicate personal fortitude and a healthy sense of risk. After all, the idea I personally perceived as "brilliant and cutting-edge" might be viewed as "overly ambitious and dangerous." But that's the allure—and the hazard—of initiating something. My suggestion could be praised, or it could be shot down.

But in a partnership—especially marriage—one person doesn't want to carry the whole initiative-taking burden. Sometimes there is a tendency to let one spouse or the other initiate things such as better "parenting skills", certain work that needs to be done around the house, marriage improvement opportunities, etc.. I want to challenge you this week to consider working together on initiating growth in your marriage and family. Guys, our tendency, especially with marriage and parenting growth is to put that on our wives. Find ways, and "spring break" is good time to do it, that you both can initiate growth in your marriage. How can you develop better habits and initiate positive changes in you life? Answer that question and then do it! Its BOTH of your jobs!


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